
Early morning drive toward the Amazon basin of Ecuador, crossing picturesque villages of Baeza, Archidona, Tena and finally Punta Ahuana.There you will take a canoe with outboards motors down the Napo River to the CASA DEL SUIZO LODGE or similar one. At night you will discuss details for the following days, and then you will choose the itineraries that suit you the best.

You can choose between different activities:
Chicha, blowgun, ceramic and wood crafts.
A short boat ride downriver leads you to know how a typical Quichua family living in their natural and historic environment, away from the village of Ahuano. You can see how the chicha is produced, the traditional drink of the region and you also be invited to tasting. You can also learn about the blowgun, a major weapon that was once used by the people of the jungle and if you dare, you have the opportunity to experience for yourself how difficult it is to hunt with this method.
15 minute by boat ride upriver is located in the Casa del Suizo with primary forest that we would like you to show. Whenever you arrive to the beach 100 meters inside the reserve to rest in a small native hut rustic construction and starts walking through the jungle. You can make several walks with difficulty levels ranging from 1 1/2 to 4 hours. The walk inside the dense forest is a unique experience, as the visitor must pass through picturesque streams, up and down the roads of mud under the natural umbrella trees and native plants. During this journey, the local guide, whose knowledge of the use of medicinal plants is impressive, introduce you to the secrets of the rainforest.
After the walk a native vessel area made of balsa wood and returned in half an hour downstream to la Casa del Suizo.
In 20-minute boat ride, you arrive to Cosano, which is a private property with a pimario Arajuno Forest River. You can take walks at different levels of difficulty ranging from 1 to 3 hours.
The Butterfly Farm
15 minute walk from the Casa del Suizo, you will find our butterflies farm designed as a live in display that currently produces about 20 local species. You can see how these beautiful insects are fed, raised and also have the opportunity to visit the "fourth flight," where hundreds of colorful butterflies, including the spectacular blue butterfly, tumble around from flower to flower.
The price of the entrance is $ 4.00, subject to change without previous notice.
La Casa del Suizo has kayaks and currently, we offer programs of half day or full day which include river of class one and class two. These programs are feasible for minors over 12 years. Importantly, these activities are not included in the regular schedule and you must book in advance and it has an additional cost. Inside one of the beaches of Arajuano river is located the famous Amazonian animal shelter whose mission is to take care of wild animals that have been mistreated, injured and confiscated, to later returned to their environment. This is a great opportunity to see how these animals live in their natural entormo, which is difficult to see from inside the forest. Every time you visit this refuge is returned in 15 minutes boat ride to the Casa del Suizo.

After breakfast (6:30) take the canoe to Punta Ahuano, then continue to Quito via the same route of entry and as always enjoy the beautiful scenery from the jungle to the Andean heights. Lunch on the way.